Felix let us know about Zonasnap a free application that Javiergv developed over at www.zonablackberry.com.ve the application is similar to snapscreen a premium application and captureit a free application for the BlackBerry. The application may have similarities but in my opinion is a lot better the fact that it offers many more features than the above apps. I have to say upfront that the menus are in Spanish so maybe this is a good time for you to brush up on your Spanish but is actually not that hard to understand if you don't know the language. I will give you a few tips if you want to try this app out.
The main words used on the menu are : enviar, guardar, Ayuda, Acerca de, cancelar, and the Translation are as follow enviar = Send, guardar = Save, Ayuda = Help, Acerca de = About and Cancelar simply means cancel, bet you knew that one right.
The main features of this application are:
Zonasnap added as an menu item
Send snap of your screen without saving straight from the screen as email, or to Photobucket
or Simply save to SD card under your pictures folder
Can be added as a convenience key
really small in file size about 88kb
When used from the menu it gives you a preview of your screen shot.
OS 4.3+ required
Files saved as jpg format
LED notification and a short vibration to let you know the snap has been taken
To send pictures to photobucket you do need to get a mobile pin that photobucket issues to you and your username it be kind of cool if he could add an option to send to your twitter account. You can download the application OTA or you can follow this link for Desktop Manager Install. Thank you for creating a great application and the best part it is free. To find out more visit this link.
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